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Checkout Details

This API returns the details of Checkout .


When the api is successfull, the response will be as below

    sub_merchant_id string

    This is the internal identifier for the sub merchant.

    display_name string

    The name of the bank, it can be used in subsequent API calls

    logo_file_url string

    This is a unique bank code created by Nimbbl, it can be used in subsequent API calls

    description string

    This is a public URL from which the logo of the bank can be fetched

    ica_allowed boolean

    This is a boolean field

    mca_allowed boolean

    This is a boolean field

    checkout_background_color string

    This is a color field

    checkout_text_color string

    This is a color field

    fast_payment_enabled boolean

    This is a boolean field

    other_payment_enabled boolean

    This is a boolean field

    continue_btn_is_white boolean

    This is boolean field

    order_summary_enabled boolean

    This is a boolean field

    payment_experience string

    This is a field

    checkout_session_duration string

    This is a field

    country_code object[]

    The next array provides a recommendation for the next API call to be made, where multiple options are available, all of these are provided

  • Array [
  • isd_code string

    This field denotes the country isd_code

    country string

    This field denotes the country

  • ]
  • footer object

    This field provides the health status of the bank, you can use this value to show to the user on the checkout if the bank is facing any problems in processing transactions

    footer_logo_url string
    footer_color string
    footer_text_color_white boolean
    footer_sub_text string
    pci_dss_enabled boolean