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HDFC MPGS Inbound Webhook

This API receives the webhook from HDFC MPGS and updates the payment transactions.

Request Body required
    authentication object required

    Authentication information for the payment.

    3ds object required

    3D Secure authentication information.

    acsEci string required

    Electronic Commerce Indicator for 3DS authentication.

    transactionId string required

    Identifier for the 3DS authentication transaction.

    3ds2 object required

    3DS2 authentication information.

    dsTransactionId string required

    Identifier for the 3DS2 authentication transaction.

    protocolVersion string required

    Version of the 3DS2 protocol.

    transactionStatus string required

    Status of the 3DS2 authentication transaction.

    amount number required

    Payment amount.

    time date-time required

    Timestamp of the payment initiation.

    transactionId string required

    Identifier for the payment transaction.

    version string required

    Version of the authentication details.

    device object required

    Device details used for the payment.

    browser string required

    User's browser information.

    ipAddress string required

    IP address of the user's device.

    gatewayEntryPoint string required

    Entry point for the payment gateway.

    merchant string required

    Merchant identifier.

    order object required

    Order information for the payment.

    amount number required

    Order amount.

    authenticationStatus string required

    Status of authentication for the order.

    chargeback object

    Chargeback details for the order.

    amount number required

    Chargeback amount.

    currency string required

    Currency of the chargeback.

    creationTime date-time required

    Timestamp of order creation.

    currency string required

    Currency of the order.

    id string required

    Identifier for the order.

    lastUpdatedTime date-time required

    Timestamp of the last order update.

    merchantAmount number required

    Order amount in merchant's currency.

    merchantCategoryCode string required

    Merchant category code.

    merchantCurrency string required

    Currency used by the merchant.

    reference string required

    Reference identifier for the order.

    status string required

    Status of the order (e.g., CAPTURED, FAILED).

    totalAuthorizedAmount number

    Total authorized amount for the order.

    totalCapturedAmount number

    Total captured amount for the order.

    totalDisbursedAmount number

    Total disbursed amount for the order.

    totalRefundedAmount number

    Total refunded amount for the order.

    response object required

    Response details from the payment gateway.

    gatewayCode string required

    Response code from the payment gateway.

    gatewayRecommendation string required

    Recommendation from the payment gateway.

    acquirerCode string

    Response code from the acquirer.

    acquirerMessage string

    Message from the acquirer.

    cardSecurityCode object

    Card security code response.

    acquirerCode string required

    Response code for the card security code from the acquirer.

    gatewayCode string required

    Response code for the card security code from the gateway.

    result string required

    Result of the payment transaction (e.g., SUCCESS, FAILURE).

    risk object

    Risk assessment and response from the payment gateway.

    response object

    Risk assessment response from the payment gateway.

    gatewayCode string required

    Risk assessment response code from the payment gateway.

    review object

    Review details for the risk assessment.

    decision string

    Decision made for the review.

    note string

    Additional note for the review.

    rule object[]

    Rules applied for the risk assessment.

  • Array [
  • data string required

    Data associated with the rule.

    name string required

    Name of the rule.

    recommendation string required

    Recommendation based on the rule.

    type string required

    Type of the rule.

  • ]
  • sourceOfFunds object required

    Source of funds for the payment.

    provided object required

    Provided source of funds information.

    card object required

    Card information for the provided source of funds.

    brand string required

    Brand of the card (e.g., VISA).

    expiry object required

    Expiry date of the card.

    month string required

    Expiry month of the card.

    year string required

    Expiry year of the card.

    fundingMethod string required

    Funding method for the card (e.g., CREDIT, DEBIT).

    issuer string

    Issuer of the card.

    number string required

    Masked card number.

    scheme string required

    Card scheme (e.g., VISA).

    storedOnFile string required

    Storage status of the card (e.g., NOT_STORED).

    type string required

    Type of the source of funds (e.g., CARD).

    timeOfLastUpdate date-time required

    Timestamp of the last update for the payment.

    timeOfRecord date-time required

    Timestamp when the payment was recorded.

    transaction object required

    Transaction details of the payment.

    acquirer object required

    Acquirer details for the transaction.

    batch number

    Batch number of the transaction.

    date string

    Date of the transaction.

    id string required

    Identifier of the acquirer.

    merchantId string required

    Merchant identifier of the acquirer.

    settlementDate string

    Settlement date of the transaction.

    timeZone string

    Timezone of the transaction.

    transactionId string

    Identifier of the transaction.

    amount number required

    Transaction amount.

    authenticationStatus string required

    Status of authentication for the transaction.

    authorizationCode string

    Authorization code for the transaction.

    currency string required

    Currency of the transaction.

    id string required

    Identifier for the transaction.

    receipt string

    Receipt identifier for the transaction.

    reference string required

    Reference identifier for the transaction.

    source string required

    Source of the transaction (e.g., INTERNET).

    stan string required

    System Trace Audit Number (STAN) for the transaction.

    terminal string required

    Terminal identifier for the transaction.

    type string required

    Type of the transaction (e.g., PAYMENT).

    version string required

    Version of the payment request.


HDFC MPGS webhook received and processed successfully
