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Update order [v3]

This api is use to update the orders Shipping address ,Device details ,Custom Attributes.

Request Body required
    order_id string required

    This is the order_id returned by Nimbbl in response to the create order API

    shipping_address object nullable

    Shipping information is typically mandatory to create an order, in case you are unable to provide shipping information, please reach out to our team and we can make certain fields nullable to meet your requirements

    address_1 string required

    This is the first line of the address for your consumer

    street string

    This is the name of the street of the address for your consumer

    landmark string

    This is the name of the landmark of the address for your consumer

    area string required

    This is the name of the area of the address for your consumer

    city string required

    This is the name of the city of the address for your consumer

    state string required

    This is the name of the state of the address for your consumer

    pincode string required

    This is the pincode or zipcode of the address for your consumer

    address_type string required

    This is a name or tag given to a specific address

    referrer_platform string nullable

    This is for internal use by Nimbbl

    referrer_platform_version string nullable

    This is for internal use by Nimbbl

    ipAddress string nullable

    A unique numerical identifier for every device or network that connects to the internet. Typically assigned by an internet service provider (ISP), an IP address is an online device address used for communicating across the internet

    user_agent string nullable

    The user_agent is a characteristic string that lets servers and network peers identify the application, operating system, vendor, and/or version of the requesting user agent.

    custom_attributes object nullable

    Custom attributes that are associated with the order in a key and value pair

    property name* string

When the update order is successful, the response will be as below

    order_date string

    This is the date and time at which the order was created in UTC

    order_id string

    This is the unique order_id generated by Nimbbl for the invoice_id shared by you. This will be used in subsequent API calls

    status string

    Possible values: [new]

    This is the status of the order, at the time of order creation, this will always be

    invoice_id string

    This is your internal unique reference identifier for this order

    user object

    This is the user information fetched from Nimbbl depending on the user details shared during the create order API call

    user_id string

    This is the unique identifier for the consumer on Nimbbl

    mobile_number string

    This is the mobile number of your consumer shared by you

    country_code string

    This is the country code as defined by the Internation Telecom Union

    email string

    This is the email address of your consumer stored at Nimbbl

    first_name string

    This is the first name of your consumer stored at Nimbbl

    last_name string

    This is the last name of your consumer stored at Nimbbl

    attempts integer

    This is the number of payment attempts made on this order, for a new order this will be 0

    max_retries string

    This field denotes the max_retries allowed for the customer to retry the payment

    currency string

    This is the currency code in ISO-4217 format

    amount_before_tax double

    This is the amount before tax for your entire cart amount

    tax double

    This is the tax amount for your entire cart amount

    total_amount double

    This is the total amount inclusive of taxes for your entire cart amount

    order_line_items object[] nullable

    This contains the cart items so that they can be displayed on the checkout or cart based offers can be calculated. Cart information is typically mandatory to create an order, in case you are unable to provide cart information, please reach out to our team and we can make certain fields nullable to meet your requirements

  • Array [
  • sku_id string

    This is the unique id of the product stored in your system

    title string

    This is the title of the product that is being sold

    description string

    This is the detailed description of the product being sold

    image_url string

    This is the public URL from which the image of the product can be fetched

    rate number

    This is the pre tax rate of the item

    quantity string

    This is the quantity that is being purchased

    amount_before_tax string

    This is the rate * quantity i.e. the amount before tax

    tax string

    This is the tax amount on the cart item

    total_amount string

    This is the sum of amount before tax and the tax amount

  • ]
  • address object nullable

    This field contains the block of address of user

    address_1 string required

    This is the first line of the address for your consumer

    street string

    This is the name of the street of the address for your consumer

    landmark string

    This is the name of the landmark of the address for your consumer

    area string required

    This is the name of the area of the address for your consumer

    city string required

    This is the name of the city of the address for your consumer

    state string required

    This is the name of the state of the address for your consumer

    pincode string required

    This is the pincode or zipcode of the address for your consumer

    address_type string required

    This is a name or tag given to a specific address

    currency_conversion object nullable

    This object is sent only if the transaction currency was changed. This object will have all the details related to currency conversion.

    original_currency string

    This is the currency code in ISO-4217 format in which the order was initiated

    converted_currency string

    This is the currency code in ISO-4217 format in which the order will be processed in

    exchange_rate number

    This is the exchange rate used to convert amounts from original currency to converted currency

    conversion_reason string

    Possible values: [ALTERNATE_CURRENCY_CONFIG]

    This is the reason for currency conversion

    original_amount_before_tax number nullable

    This is the amount_before_tax received when the order was initiated

    original_tax number

    This is the tax when the order was initiated, if not received will be set to 0

    original_total_amount number

    This is the total_amount received when the order was initiated

    refund_details object nullable

    This field will only come when the order_status is completed. This object will have all the refund details for the order.

    refundable_currency string

    This is the currency code in ISO-4217 format in which the refund will be initiated

    available_refundable_amount number

    This is the amount which is available for refund

    refunded_amount number

    This is the amount which has been already refunded successfully

    total_refundable_amount number

    This is the maximum refundable amount available for the order

    next object[]

    The next array provides a recommendation for the next API call to be made, where multiple options are available, all of these are provided

  • Array [
  • anyOf

    action string required

    Possible values: [payment_modes]

    To show on your checkout all the payment modes that are enabled for you and are personalised for your customer, you can call this API

    url string required

    Possible values: [/api/v3/payment-modes]

    This is the end point of the API that needs to be called for the above action, you will need to append the baseurl as provided in this doc

  • ]