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Verify a User OTP [v1]

This API helps you validate the OTP sent to a user as a response to resolve user. If the OTP is validated, the user token is provided which can be used in subsequent API calls

Request Body required
    mobile_number string required

    This is the mobile number of the user.

    user_agent string nullable

    The user_agent is a characteristic string that lets servers and network peers identify the application, operating system, vendor, and/or version of the requesting user agent.

    ipAddress string nullable

    A unique numerical identifier for every device or network that connects to the internet. Typically assigned by an internet service provider (ISP), an IP address is an online device address used for communicating across the internet

    fingerPrint string required

    This is a unique device id generated by the client using a standard library such as fingerprint.js

    order_id string nullable required

    This is unique order_id generated in the response of create-order

    otp string required

    This is the otp submitted by the user


When the OTP submission is successful, the response will be as below

    success boolean required

    Possible values: [true]

    This key will always be true for a successful response

    item object required

    This is the user information fetched from Nimbbl depending on the user details shared during the resolve user API call

    id integer required

    The unique internal id of the consumer

    email string nullable

    This is the email address of your consumer stored at Nimbbl

    first_name string nullable

    This is the first name of your consumer stored at Nimbbl

    last_name string nullable

    This is the last name of your consumer stored at Nimbbl

    country_code string required

    Default value: +91

    This is the country code as defined by the Internation Telecom Union

    mobile_number string required

    This is the mobile number of your consumer shared by you

    user_id string required

    This is the unique identifier for the consumer on Nimbbl

    token string required

    This is the user token, you will need to add it to the Header for subsequent API calls

    token_expiration date-time required

    This is the expiry of the token, it is expressed in UTC. If the token has expired, you will need to create a new order
