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Get Card BIN Data [v3]

This API returns the details associated with a Card BIN, this is also referred as the IIN of a card. This API will be able to provide information regarding the payment type of the card i.e. credit, debit or prepaid as well as the scheme of the card i.e. Visa, Mastercard, RuPay etc. Other information related to the card will also be provided as is available

Request Body required
    card_bin string required

    The first 6 digits of the card number, if more digits are sent, only the first 6 digits will be considered

    order_id string

    The order for which you want to validate the bin details, if not passed simply card bin details are returned.


When the BIN data is successfully fetched, the response will be as below

    card_bin string

    The first 6 digits of the card number, shared by you in the request

    scheme_name string

    Possible values: [Visa, Mastercard, RuPay, American Express, Maestro, SBI Maestro, Diners, JCB, Unknown]

    The name of the scheme or network of the card

    scheme_code string

    Possible values: [visa, master, rupay, amex, maestro, sbi_maestro, diners, jcb, unknown]

    The code of the scheme or network of the card as defined by Nimbbl

    scheme_logo_url string nullable

    This is a public URL from which the logo of the scheme can be fetched

    card_geography string

    Possible values: [domestic, international, unknown]

    This is geography of the card issuer

    payment_mode_code string

    Possible values: [credit_card, debit_card, prepaid_card, unknown]

    This is the payment mode code of the card that is assigned by Nimbbl

    payment_mode string

    Possible values: [Credit Card, Debit Card, Prepaid Card, Unknown]

    This is the payment mode of the card

    card_type string

    Possible values: [retail, corporate, unknown]

    This is the type of of customer to whom the card has been issued. Where this isn't known it will come as unknown or blank

    issuer_code string

    This is the code of the issuer of the card. Where this isn't known it will come as unknown or blank

    issuer_name string

    This is the name of the issuer of the card. Where this isn't known it will come as unknown or blank

    issuer_logo_url string nullable

    This is for future use by Nimbbl and will contain the URL for the logo of the card issuer

    card_country_code string nullable

    This is for future use by Nimbbl and will contain the country code of the card issuer

    card_country_name string nullable

    This is for future use by Nimbbl and will contain the country of the card issuer
