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Integrate the Nimbbl iOS SDK with your iOS app and start accepting payments from your customers.


Compatibilities and Dependencies

  1. Your app should target iOS version 13+

Pod Installation

Add the following code to your project pod file:

target ‘Target name’ do
Pod ‘Nimbbl-SDK’

Using the terminal, navigate to your project and run the below command:

pod install

Add URL Schemes

Open Info.plist as a source code. Add the following URL schemes to Info.plist.


Import Nimbbl framework

import NimbblCheckoutSDK
class ViewController: UIViewController {

Implement the Checkout Delegate

import NimbblCheckoutSDK

class ViewController: UIViewController, NimbblCheckoutDelegate {
func onPaymentResponse(_response: [AnyHashable : Any]?) {

func onError(_error:String){

Initialise Nimbbl Checkout SDK


In order to initialise the SDK, your server should provide you the following information:

import NimbblCheckoutSDK

class ViewController: UIViewController, NimbblCheckoutDelegate {

var nimbblChekout: NimbblCheckout!

override func viewDidLoad() {
nimbblChekout = NimbblCheckout(accessKey: "<`access_key`>", serviceURL: "", paymentURL: "", delegate: self)

func onPaymentResponse(_response: [AnyHashable : Any]?) {

func onError(_error:String){



Invoke the Checkout


In order to invoke the checkout, your server should provide you the following information:

let options: [String:Any] = ["orderID": “your order id”] options, displayController: self)

Note : displayController is the ViewController on which you want to present the checkout screen

Capture Transaction Response

A successful payment returns the following fields to the Checkout Form.

"nimbbl_order_id": "order_RoQ7Zl92G2qqB3rg",
"nimbbl_transaction_id": "order_RoQ7Zl92G2qqB3rg-20210217071936",
"nimbbl_signature": "hmac_sha256"
  • Share the response parameters received to your server
  • This will need to be validated on your server before you decide to provide goods or services
  • More details available on processing the response in Completing the Integration