It is extremely important for you to keep the status of the payments and refunds updated on your server so you can reliably provide goods or services to your customers. There are two ways in which you can fetch the status of the transaction from Nimbbl. First, you can setup webhooks where Nimbbl can proactively inform your system when a status changes at the Nimbbl end. Second, you can call an API to fetch the latest status of a transaction.
We recommend using a combination both methods judiciously to keep your system updated reliably and efficiently.
Consuming Webhooks
This is the easiest and the most efficient way of getting updated by Nimbbl. As soon as the status of a transaction is updated on Nimbbl, we will let your system know by way of hitting a webhook URL shared by you.
Webhook Retries, Idempotent Checks, Order of Events
While webhooks work very well in keeping your system updated, you should be mindful of the following while building your logic to consume webhooks
- You need to handle checks for idempotency i.e. if you receive the same webhook twice, you should be able to handle it in your code
- Nimbbl doesn't guarantee the order in which you receive the webhooks
- Once the webhook is sent, our system expects a 200 response from your server. If we do not receive 200 response within 15 seconds, we will retry sending the webhooks 5 more times in the below mentioned intervals -
Attempt | Retry time since last attempt | Retry interval after first webhook is sent |
Attempt 1 | 25 seconds | 25 seconds |
Attempt 2 | 10 minutes | 10 minutes 25 seconds |
Attempt 3 | 1 hour | 1 hour 10 minutes 25 seconds |
Attempt 4 | 6 hours | 7 hours 10 minutes 25 seconds |
Attempt 5 | 16 hours | 23 hours 10 minutes 25 seconds |
- Nimbbl supports only 1 webhook url to be configured for all the events, you cannot configure multiple webhook URL for each event.
Subscribing to Webhook Events
Webhook gets called on certain events which can be customized in the merchant dashboard. When any of the events get triggered, We send an HTTP POST payload in JSON format to the webhook URL which is configured by you.
The following events are supported
Event | Description |
payment_success | This event is triggered when the payment status becomes suceeded |
payment_failed | This event is triggered when the payment status becomes failed |
payment_reversing | This event is triggered when the payment status becomes reversing |
payment_reversed | This event is triggered when the payment status becomes reversed |
refund_success | This event is triggered when the refund status becomes suceeded |
refund_failed | This event is triggered when the refund status becomes failed |
refund_pending | This event is triggered when the refund status becomes pending |
You can set up webhooks for test mode as well as live mode. Test webhooks will only receive events from your test transactions and live webhooks will only receive events from your live transactions.
You can set up different webhook URLs for different events. To setup webhooks, please send the webhook URL that needs to be configured to
- The URL should be https and must accept POST requests
- The URL should return a 200 HTTP response on receiving the webhook
- Ensure that the URL is publicly accessible and is not blocked by a firewall
- If you need to whitelist our IP to hit this URL, please reach out to us and we will provide our IP address
Payload for Webhook Events
We support both encrypted and decrypted responses for webhook events.
Unencrypted Response
- payment_success
- payment_failed
- payment_reversing
- payment_reversed
- refund_success
- refund_failed
- refund_pending
"event_type": "payment_success",
"status": "success",
"message": "Payment Successful",
"nimbbl_order_id": "<Order_ID>",
"nimbbl_transaction_id": "<Transaction_ID>",
"transaction": {
"transaction_id": "<Transaction_ID>",
"payment_partner": "<Payment Partner>",
"status": "succeeded",
"payment_mode": <Payment Mode>,
"sub_payment_mode": {
// sub_payment_mode object will be different for each payment_mode
// Payment Mode = "Netbanking"
"bank_name": "<Bank Name>",
// Payment Mode = "Wallet"
"wallet_name": "<Wallet Name>",
// Payment Mode = "UPI"
"upi_id": "Vpa Id",
"upi_holder": "Vpa Holder",
"upi_app_name": "Vpa App Name",
"upi_instrument": "Upi Instrument",
"upi_flow": "<Intent, Collect, QR>",
// Payment Mode = "<Credit Card, Debit Card, Prepaid Card>"
"card_input_type": "<Card Input Type>", // merchant_network_token, nimbbl_token_id, card_pan
"issuer": "<Issuer>",
"card_type": "<Card Type>",
"scheme": "<Card Network>",
"masked_card": "<Masked Card>", // Only if card_input_type is "card_pan" and "merchant_network_token"
"expiry": "<Card Expiry>", // Only if card_input_type is "card_pan" and "merchant_network_token"
"card_holder": "<Card Holder Name>", // Only if card_input_type is "card_pan" and "merchant_network_token"
"network_token": "<Network Token>", // Only if card_input_type is "merchant_network_token"
"nimbbl_token_id": "<Nimbbl Token Id>", // Only if card_input_type is "nimbbl_token_id"
// Payment Mode = "<Credit Card EMI, Debit Card EMI>"
"emi": {
"issuer_code": "<Issuer Code>",
"card_network_code": "<Card Network Code>",
"card_input_type": "<Card Input Type>", // merchant_network_token, nimbbl_token_id
"masked_card": "<Masked Card>",
"card_holder": "<Card Holder Name>",
"subvention_type": "<Subvention Type>",
"installment_amount": "<Formatted Installment Amount>",
"interest_discount": "<Formatted Interest Discount>",
"cashback_amount": "<Formatted Cashback Amount>",
"tenure": "<EMI Tenure>",
"frequency": "<EMI Frequency>",
"processing_fee_data": {
"fee": "<Formatted Processing Fee>",
"gst_exclusive": "<GST Exclusive>"
"interest_amount": "<Formatted Interest Amount>",
"interest_rate": "<Formatted Interest Rate>",
"subvented_interest_rate": "<Formatted Subvented Interest Rate>",
"network_token" : "<Network Token>", // Only if card_input_type is merchant_network_token
"nimbbl_token_id" : "<Nimbbl Token Id>", // Only if card_input_type is nimbbl_token_id
"psp_transaction_id": "<Pay_ID>",
"nimbbl_consumer_message": "",
"nimbbl_merchant_message": "",
"nimbbl_error_code": "",
"transaction_currency": "<ISO_4217 Alpha-3 format currency>",
"transaction_amount": <Transaction amount with upto 2 decimal>,
"additional_charges": <Convenience Fee>,
"offer_discount": <Offer discount>,
"offer_id": "<Offer id from Nimbbl system>",
"transaction_type": "payment",
"signature": "<nimbbl_signature>",
"signature_version": "v3"
"order": {
"order_date": "<Date in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format>",
"amount_before_tax": <Amount before tax>,
"tax": <Tax amount>,
"total_amount": <Total Amount>,
"referrer_platform": "<Integration Platform used>",
"referrer_platform_version": "<Integration Platform version>",
"invoice_id": "<Merchant invoice id>",
"attempts": <#Transactions for the order>,
"device_user_agent": "<User Agent>",
"status": "completed",
"currency": "<ISO_4217 Alpha-3 format currency>",
"description": "",
"cancellation_reason": "",
"additional_charges": 0,
"grand_total": <total_amount - offer_discount + additional_charges>,
"offer_discount": 0,
"refund_details": { // this field will only come when the order_status is `completed`. This object will have all the refund details for the order.
"refundable_currency": "INR",
"available_refundable_amount": 5.0,
"refunded_amount": 0.0,
"total_refundable_amount": 5.0
"currency_conversion": { // this object is sent only if the transaction currency was changed.
"original_currency": "USD",
"converted_currency": "INR",
"exchange_rate": 100.0,
"conversion_reason": "ALTERNATE_CURRENCY_CONFIG",
"original_amount_before_tax": 8.0,
"original_tax": 2.0,
"original_total_amount": 10.0
"custom_attributes": [{
"key_1": "val_1"
"key_2": "val_2"
"device": {
"browser_name": "Chrome",
"device_name": "Other",
"os_name": "Windows",
"ip_address": ""
"nimbbl_signature": "<Nimbbl signature>",
"psp_raw_response": {
// psp_raw_response object will be different for each payment_partner
"user": {
"email": "",
"mobile": "9121212121",
"name": "Shakthiman",
"user_id": "<user_ID>"
"event_type": "payment_failed",
"status": "failed",
"message": "Sorry, your payment could not be processed. Please try again or another payment option.",
"nimbbl_order_id": "<Order_ID>",
"nimbbl_transaction_id": "<Transaction_ID>",
"transaction": {
"transaction_id": "<Transaction_ID>",
"payment_partner": "<Payment Partner>",
"status": "failed",
"payment_mode": <Payment Mode>,
"sub_payment_mode": {
// sub_payment_mode object will be different for each payment_mode
// Payment Mode = "Netbanking"
"bank_name": "<Bank Name>",
// Payment Mode = "Wallet"
"wallet_name": "<Wallet Name>",
// Payment Mode = "UPI"
"upi_id": "Vpa Id",
"upi_holder": "Vpa Holder",
"upi_app_name": "Vpa App Name",
"upi_instrument": "Upi Instrument",
"upi_flow": "<Intent, Collect, QR>",
// Payment Mode = "<Credit Card, Debit Card, Prepaid Card>"
"card_input_type": "<Card Input Type>", // merchant_network_token, nimbbl_token_id, card_pan
"issuer": "<Issuer>",
"card_type": "<Card Type>",
"scheme": "<Card Network>",
"masked_card": "<Masked Card>", // Only if card_input_type is "card_pan" and "merchant_network_token"
"expiry": "<Card Expiry>", // Only if card_input_type is "card_pan" and "merchant_network_token"
"card_holder": "<Card Holder Name>", // Only if card_input_type is "card_pan" and "merchant_network_token"
"network_token": "<Network Token>", // Only if card_input_type is "merchant_network_token"
"nimbbl_token_id": "<Nimbbl Token Id>", // Only if card_input_type is "nimbbl_token_id"
// Payment Mode = "<Credit Card EMI, Debit Card EMI>"
"emi": {
"issuer_code": "<Issuer Code>",
"card_network_code": "<Card Network Code>",
"card_input_type": "<Card Input Type>", // merchant_network_token, nimbbl_token_id
"masked_card": "<Masked Card>",
"card_holder": "<Card Holder Name>",
"subvention_type": "<Subvention Type>",
"installment_amount": "<Formatted Installment Amount>",
"interest_discount": "<Formatted Interest Discount>",
"cashback_amount": "<Formatted Cashback Amount>",
"tenure": "<EMI Tenure>",
"frequency": "<EMI Frequency>",
"processing_fee_data": {
"fee": "<Formatted Processing Fee>",
"gst_exclusive": "<GST Exclusive>"
"interest_amount": "<Formatted Interest Amount>",
"interest_rate": "<Formatted Interest Rate>",
"subvented_interest_rate": "<Formatted Subvented Interest Rate>",
"network_token" : "<Network Token>", // Only if card_input_type is merchant_network_token
"nimbbl_token_id" : "<Nimbbl Token Id>", // Only if card_input_type is nimbbl_token_id
"psp_transaction_id": "<Pay_ID>",
"retry_allowed": false,
"nimbbl_consumer_message": "<Nimbbl Consumer Mesage>",
"nimbbl_merchant_message": "<Nimbbl Merchant Mesage>",
"nimbbl_error_code": "<Nimbbl Error Code>",
"transaction_currency": "<ISO_4217 Alpha-3 format currency>",
"transaction_amount": <Transaction amount with upto 2 decimal>,
"additional_charges": <Convenience Fee>,
"offer_discount": <Offer discount>,
"offer_id": "<Offer id from Nimbbl system>",
"transaction_type": "payment",
"signature": "<nimbbl_signature>",
"signature_version": "v3"
"order": {
"order_date": "<Date in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format>",
"amount_before_tax": <Amount before tax>,
"tax": <Tax amount>,
"total_amount": <Total Amount>,
"referrer_platform": "<Integration Platform used>",
"referrer_platform_version": "<Integration Platform version>",
"invoice_id": "<Merchant invoice id>",
"attempts": <#Transactions for the order>,
"device_user_agent": "<User Agent>",
"status": "pending",
"currency": "<ISO_4217 Alpha-3 format currency>",
"description": "",
"cancellation_reason": "",
"additional_charges": 0,
"grand_total": <total_amount - offer_discount + additional_charges>,
"offer_discount": 0,
"currency_conversion": { // this object is sent only if the transaction currency was changed.
"original_currency": "USD",
"converted_currency": "INR",
"exchange_rate": 100.0,
"conversion_reason": "ALTERNATE_CURRENCY_CONFIG",
"original_amount_before_tax": 8.0,
"original_tax": 2.0,
"original_total_amount": 10.0
"custom_attributes": [{
"key_1": "val_1"
"key_2": "val_2"
"device": {
"browser_name": "Chrome",
"device_name": "Other",
"os_name": "Windows",
"ip_address": ""
"nimbbl_signature": "<Nimbbl signature>",
"psp_raw_response": {
// psp_raw_response object will be different for each payment_partner
"user": {
"email": "",
"mobile": "9121212121",
"name": "Shakthiman",
"user_id": "<user_ID>"
"event_type": "payment_reversing",
"status": "reversing",
"message": "Payment in Reversing",
"nimbbl_order_id": "<Order_ID>",
"nimbbl_transaction_id": "<Transaction_ID>",
"transaction": {
"transaction_id": "<Transaction_ID>",
"payment_partner": "<Payment Partner>",
"status": "reversing",
"payment_mode": <Payment Mode>,
"sub_payment_mode": {
// sub_payment_mode object will be different for each payment_mode
// Payment Mode = "Netbanking"
"bank_name": "<Bank Name>",
// Payment Mode = "Wallet"
"wallet_name": "<Wallet Name>",
// Payment Mode = "UPI"
"upi_id": "Vpa Id",
"upi_holder": "Vpa Holder",
"upi_app_name": "Vpa App Name",
"upi_instrument": "Upi Instrument",
"upi_flow": "<Intent, Collect, QR>",
// Payment Mode = "<Credit Card, Debit Card, Prepaid Card>"
"card_input_type": "<Card Input Type>", // merchant_network_token, nimbbl_token_id, card_pan
"issuer": "<Issuer>",
"card_type": "<Card Type>",
"scheme": "<Card Network>",
"masked_card": "<Masked Card>", // Only if card_input_type is "card_pan" and "merchant_network_token"
"expiry": "<Card Expiry>", // Only if card_input_type is "card_pan" and "merchant_network_token"
"card_holder": "<Card Holder Name>", // Only if card_input_type is "card_pan" and "merchant_network_token"
"network_token": "<Network Token>", // Only if card_input_type is "merchant_network_token"
"nimbbl_token_id": "<Nimbbl Token Id>", // Only if card_input_type is "nimbbl_token_id"
// Payment Mode = "<Credit Card EMI, Debit Card EMI>"
"emi": {
"issuer_code": "<Issuer Code>",
"card_network_code": "<Card Network Code>",
"card_input_type": "<Card Input Type>", // merchant_network_token, nimbbl_token_id
"masked_card": "<Masked Card>",
"card_holder": "<Card Holder Name>",
"subvention_type": "<Subvention Type>",
"installment_amount": "<Formatted Installment Amount>",
"interest_discount": "<Formatted Interest Discount>",
"cashback_amount": "<Formatted Cashback Amount>",
"tenure": "<EMI Tenure>",
"frequency": "<EMI Frequency>",
"processing_fee_data": {
"fee": "<Formatted Processing Fee>",
"gst_exclusive": "<GST Exclusive>"
"interest_amount": "<Formatted Interest Amount>",
"interest_rate": "<Formatted Interest Rate>",
"subvented_interest_rate": "<Formatted Subvented Interest Rate>",
"network_token" : "<Network Token>", // Only if card_input_type is merchant_network_token
"nimbbl_token_id" : "<Nimbbl Token Id>", // Only if card_input_type is nimbbl_token_id
"psp_transaction_id": "<Pay_ID>",
"nimbbl_consumer_message": "",
"nimbbl_merchant_message": "",
"nimbbl_error_code": "",
"transaction_currency": "<ISO_4217 Alpha-3 format currency>",
"transaction_amount": <Transaction amount with upto 2 decimal>,
"additional_charges": <Convenience Fee>,
"offer_discount": <Offer discount>,
"offer_id": "<Offer id from Nimbbl system>",
"transaction_type": "payment",
"signature": "<nimbbl_signature>",
"signature_version": "v3"
"order": {
"order_date": "<Date in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format>",
"amount_before_tax": <Amount before tax>,
"tax": <Tax amount>,
"total_amount": <Total Amount>,
"referrer_platform": "<Integration Platform used>",
"referrer_platform_version": "<Integration Platform version>",
"invoice_id": "<Merchant invoice id>",
"attempts": <#Transactions for the order>,
"device_user_agent": "<User Agent>",
"status": "completed",
"currency": "<ISO_4217 Alpha-3 format currency>",
"description": "",
"cancellation_reason": "",
"additional_charges": 0,
"grand_total": <total_amount - offer_discount + additional_charges>,
"offer_discount": 0,
"refund_details": { // this field will only come when the order_status is `completed`. This object will have all the refund details for the order.
"refundable_currency": "INR",
"available_refundable_amount": 5.0,
"refunded_amount": 0.0,
"total_refundable_amount": 5.0
"currency_conversion": { // this object is sent only if the transaction currency was changed.
"original_currency": "USD",
"converted_currency": "INR",
"exchange_rate": 100.0,
"conversion_reason": "ALTERNATE_CURRENCY_CONFIG",
"original_amount_before_tax": 8.0,
"original_tax": 2.0,
"original_total_amount": 10.0
"custom_attributes": [{
"key_1": "val_1"
"key_2": "val_2"
"device": {
"browser_name": "Chrome",
"device_name": "Other",
"os_name": "Windows",
"ip_address": ""
"nimbbl_signature": "<Nimbbl signature>",
"psp_raw_response": {
// psp_raw_response object will be different for each payment_partner
"user": {
"email": "",
"mobile": "9121212121",
"name": "Shakthiman",
"user_id": "<user_ID>"
"event_type": "payment_reversed",
"status": "reversed",
"message": "Payment Reversed",
"nimbbl_order_id": "<Order_ID>",
"nimbbl_transaction_id": "<Transaction_ID>",
"transaction": {
"transaction_id": "<Transaction_ID>",
"payment_partner": "<Payment Partner>",
"status": "reversed",
"payment_mode": <Payment Mode>,
"sub_payment_mode": {
// sub_payment_mode object will be different for each payment_mode
// Payment Mode = "Netbanking"
"bank_name": "<Bank Name>",
// Payment Mode = "Wallet"
"wallet_name": "<Wallet Name>",
// Payment Mode = "UPI"
"upi_id": "Vpa Id",
"upi_holder": "Vpa Holder",
"upi_app_name": "Vpa App Name",
"upi_instrument": "Upi Instrument",
"upi_flow": "<Intent, Collect, QR>",
// Payment Mode = "<Credit Card, Debit Card, Prepaid Card>"
"card_input_type": "<Card Input Type>", // merchant_network_token, nimbbl_token_id, card_pan
"issuer": "<Issuer>",
"card_type": "<Card Type>",
"scheme": "<Card Network>",
"masked_card": "<Masked Card>", // Only if card_input_type is "card_pan" and "merchant_network_token"
"expiry": "<Card Expiry>", // Only if card_input_type is "card_pan" and "merchant_network_token"
"card_holder": "<Card Holder Name>", // Only if card_input_type is "card_pan" and "merchant_network_token"
"network_token": "<Network Token>", // Only if card_input_type is "merchant_network_token"
"nimbbl_token_id": "<Nimbbl Token Id>", // Only if card_input_type is "nimbbl_token_id"
// Payment Mode = "<Credit Card EMI, Debit Card EMI>"
"emi": {
"issuer_code": "<Issuer Code>",
"card_network_code": "<Card Network Code>",
"card_input_type": "<Card Input Type>", // merchant_network_token, nimbbl_token_id
"masked_card": "<Masked Card>",
"card_holder": "<Card Holder Name>",
"subvention_type": "<Subvention Type>",
"installment_amount": "<Formatted Installment Amount>",
"interest_discount": "<Formatted Interest Discount>",
"cashback_amount": "<Formatted Cashback Amount>",
"tenure": "<EMI Tenure>",
"frequency": "<EMI Frequency>",
"processing_fee_data": {
"fee": "<Formatted Processing Fee>",
"gst_exclusive": "<GST Exclusive>"
"interest_amount": "<Formatted Interest Amount>",
"interest_rate": "<Formatted Interest Rate>",
"subvented_interest_rate": "<Formatted Subvented Interest Rate>",
"network_token" : "<Network Token>", // Only if card_input_type is merchant_network_token
"nimbbl_token_id" : "<Nimbbl Token Id>", // Only if card_input_type is nimbbl_token_id
"psp_transaction_id": "<Pay_ID>",
"nimbbl_consumer_message": "",
"nimbbl_merchant_message": "",
"nimbbl_error_code": "",
"transaction_currency": "<ISO_4217 Alpha-3 format currency>",
"transaction_amount": <Transaction amount with upto 2 decimal>,
"additional_charges": <Convenience Fee>,
"offer_discount": <Offer discount>,
"offer_id": "<Offer id from Nimbbl system>",
"transaction_type": "payment",
"signature": "<nimbbl_signature>",
"signature_version": "v3"
"order": {
"order_date": "<Date in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format>",
"amount_before_tax": <Amount before tax>,
"tax": <Tax amount>,
"total_amount": <Total Amount>,
"referrer_platform": "<Integration Platform used>",
"referrer_platform_version": "<Integration Platform version>",
"invoice_id": "Merchant invoice id>",
"attempts": <#Transactions for the order>,
"device_user_agent": "<User Agent>",
"status": "completed",
"currency": "<ISO_4217 Alpha-3 format currency>",
"description": "",
"cancellation_reason": "",
"additional_charges": 0,
"grand_total": <total_amount - offer_discount + additional_charges>,
"offer_discount": 0,
"refund_details": { // this field will only come when the order_status is `completed`. This object will have all the refund details for the order.
"refundable_currency": "INR",
"available_refundable_amount": 0.0,
"refunded_amount": 5.0,
"total_refundable_amount": 5.0
"currency_conversion": { // this object is sent only if the transaction currency was changed.
"original_currency": "USD",
"converted_currency": "INR",
"exchange_rate": 100.0,
"conversion_reason": "ALTERNATE_CURRENCY_CONFIG",
"original_amount_before_tax": 8.0,
"original_tax": 2.0,
"original_total_amount": 10.0
"custom_attributes": [{
"key_1": "val_1"
"key_2": "val_2"
"device": {
"browser_name": "Chrome",
"device_name": "Other",
"os_name": "Windows",
"ip_address": ""
"nimbbl_signature": "<Nimbbl signature>",
"psp_raw_response": {
// psp_raw_response object will be different for each payment_partner
"user": {
"email": "",
"mobile": "9121212121",
"name": "Shakthiman",
"user_id": "<user_ID>"
"event_type": "refund_success",
"status": "success",
"message": "Refund Successful",
"nimbbl_order_id": "<Order_ID>",
"refund_transaction_id": "<Refund Transaction ID>",
"transaction": {
"transaction_id": "<Transaction_ID>",
"payment_partner": "<Payment Partner>",
"refund_status": "succeeded",
"payment_mode": <Payment Mode>,
"sub_payment_mode": {
// sub_payment_mode object will be different for each payment_mode
// Payment Mode = "Netbanking"
"bank_name": "<Bank Name>",
// Payment Mode = "Wallet"
"wallet_name": "<Wallet Name>",
// Payment Mode = "UPI"
"upi_id": "Vpa Id",
"upi_holder": "Vpa Holder",
"upi_app_name": "Vpa App Name",
"upi_instrument": "Upi Instrument",
"upi_flow": "<Intent, Collect, QR>",
// Payment Mode = "<Credit Card, Debit Card, Prepaid Card>"
"card_input_type": "<Card Input Type>", // merchant_network_token, nimbbl_token_id, card_pan
"issuer": "<Issuer>",
"card_type": "<Card Type>",
"scheme": "<Card Network>",
"masked_card": "<Masked Card>", // Only if card_input_type is "card_pan" and "merchant_network_token"
"expiry": "<Card Expiry>", // Only if card_input_type is "card_pan" and "merchant_network_token"
"card_holder": "<Card Holder Name>", // Only if card_input_type is "card_pan" and "merchant_network_token"
"network_token": "<Network Token>", // Only if card_input_type is "merchant_network_token"
"nimbbl_token_id": "<Nimbbl Token Id>", // Only if card_input_type is "nimbbl_token_id"
// Payment Mode = "<Credit Card EMI, Debit Card EMI>"
"emi": {
"issuer_code": "<Issuer Code>",
"card_network_code": "<Card Network Code>",
"card_input_type": "<Card Input Type>", // merchant_network_token, nimbbl_token_id
"masked_card": "<Masked Card>",
"card_holder": "<Card Holder Name>",
"subvention_type": "<Subvention Type>",
"installment_amount": "<Formatted Installment Amount>",
"interest_discount": "<Formatted Interest Discount>",
"cashback_amount": "<Formatted Cashback Amount>",
"tenure": "<EMI Tenure>",
"frequency": "<EMI Frequency>",
"processing_fee_data": {
"fee": "<Formatted Processing Fee>",
"gst_exclusive": "<GST Exclusive>"
"interest_amount": "<Formatted Interest Amount>",
"interest_rate": "<Formatted Interest Rate>",
"subvented_interest_rate": "<Formatted Subvented Interest Rate>",
"network_token" : "<Network Token>", // Only if card_input_type is merchant_network_token
"nimbbl_token_id" : "<Nimbbl Token Id>", // Only if card_input_type is nimbbl_token_id
"psp_transaction_id": "<Pay_ID>",
"signature": "<nimbbl_signature>",
"signature_version": "v3",
"refund_currency": "INR",
"nimbbl_consumer_message": "",
"nimbbl_merchant_message": "",
"nimbbl_error_code": "",
"original_payment_transaction_id": "<Payment Transaction ID>",
"refund_request_id": "",
"refund_arn": "",
"refund_amount": <Refund amount with upto 2 decimal>,
"payment_transaction_amount": <Transaction amount with upto 2 decimal>,
"transaction_type": "full-refund"
"order": {
"order_date": "<Date in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format>",
"amount_before_tax": <Amount before tax>,
"tax": <Tax amount>,
"total_amount": <Total Amount>,
"referrer_platform": "<Integration Platform used>",
"referrer_platform_version": "<Integration Platform version>",
"invoice_id": "<Merchant invoice id>",
"attempts": <#Transactions for the order>,
"device_user_agent": "<User Agent>",
"status": "completed",
"currency": "<ISO_4217 Alpha-3 format currency>",
"description": "",
"cancellation_reason": "payment success",
"additional_charges": 0,
"grand_total": <total_amount - offer_discount + additional_charges>,
"offer_discount": 0,
"refund_details": { // this field will only come when the order_status is `completed`. This object will have all the refund details for the order.
"refundable_currency": "INR",
"available_refundable_amount": 0.0,
"refunded_amount": 5.0,
"total_refundable_amount": 5.0
"currency_conversion": { // this object is sent only if the transaction currency was changed.
"original_currency": "USD",
"converted_currency": "INR",
"exchange_rate": 100.0,
"conversion_reason": "ALTERNATE_CURRENCY_CONFIG",
"original_amount_before_tax": 8.0,
"original_tax": 2.0,
"original_total_amount": 10.0
"custom_attributes": [{
"key_1": "val_1"
"key_2": "val_2"
"device": {
"browser_name": "Chrome",
"device_name": "Other",
"os_name": "Windows",
"ip_address": ""
"nimbbl_signature": "<Nimbbl signature>",
"psp_raw_response": {
// psp_raw_response object will be different for each payment_partner
"user": {
"email": "",
"mobile": "9121212121",
"name": "Shakthiman",
"user_id": "<user_ID>"
"event_type": "refund_failed",
"status": "failed",
"message": "Refund Failed",
"nimbbl_order_id": "<Order_ID>",
"refund_transaction_id": "<Refund Transaction ID>",
"transaction": {
"transaction_id": "<Transaction_ID>",
"payment_partner": "<Payment Partner>",
"refund_status": "failed",
"payment_mode": <Payment Mode>,
"sub_payment_mode": {
// sub_payment_mode object will be different for each payment_mode
// Payment Mode = "Netbanking"
"bank_name": "<Bank Name>",
// Payment Mode = "Wallet"
"wallet_name": "<Wallet Name>",
// Payment Mode = "UPI"
"upi_id": "Vpa Id",
"upi_holder": "Vpa Holder",
"upi_app_name": "Vpa App Name",
"upi_instrument": "Upi Instrument",
"upi_flow": "<Intent, Collect, QR>",
// Payment Mode = "<Credit Card, Debit Card, Prepaid Card>"
"card_input_type": "<Card Input Type>", // merchant_network_token, nimbbl_token_id, card_pan
"issuer": "<Issuer>",
"card_type": "<Card Type>",
"scheme": "<Card Network>",
"masked_card": "<Masked Card>", // Only if card_input_type is "card_pan" and "merchant_network_token"
"expiry": "<Card Expiry>", // Only if card_input_type is "card_pan" and "merchant_network_token"
"card_holder": "<Card Holder Name>", // Only if card_input_type is "card_pan" and "merchant_network_token"
"network_token": "<Network Token>", // Only if card_input_type is "merchant_network_token"
"nimbbl_token_id": "<Nimbbl Token Id>", // Only if card_input_type is "nimbbl_token_id"
// Payment Mode = "<Credit Card EMI, Debit Card EMI>"
"emi": {
"issuer_code": "<Issuer Code>",
"card_network_code": "<Card Network Code>",
"card_input_type": "<Card Input Type>", // merchant_network_token, nimbbl_token_id
"masked_card": "<Masked Card>",
"card_holder": "<Card Holder Name>",
"subvention_type": "<Subvention Type>",
"installment_amount": "<Formatted Installment Amount>",
"interest_discount": "<Formatted Interest Discount>",
"cashback_amount": "<Formatted Cashback Amount>",
"tenure": "<EMI Tenure>",
"frequency": "<EMI Frequency>",
"processing_fee_data": {
"fee": "<Formatted Processing Fee>",
"gst_exclusive": "<GST Exclusive>"
"interest_amount": "<Formatted Interest Amount>",
"interest_rate": "<Formatted Interest Rate>",
"subvented_interest_rate": "<Formatted Subvented Interest Rate>",
"network_token" : "<Network Token>", // Only if card_input_type is merchant_network_token
"nimbbl_token_id" : "<Nimbbl Token Id>", // Only if card_input_type is nimbbl_token_id
"psp_transaction_id": "<Pay_ID>",
"signature": "<nimbbl_signature>",
"signature_version": "v3",
"refund_currency": "INR",
"nimbbl_consumer_message": "",
"nimbbl_merchant_message": "",
"nimbbl_error_code": "",
"original_payment_transaction_id": "<Payment Transaction ID>",
"refund_request_id": "",
"refund_arn": "",
"refund_amount": <Refund amount with upto 2 decimal>,
"payment_transaction_amount": <Transaction amount with upto 2 decimal>,
"transaction_type": "full-refund"
"order": {
"order_date": "<Date in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format>",
"amount_before_tax": <Amount before tax>,
"tax": <Tax amount>,
"total_amount": <Total Amount>,
"referrer_platform": "<Integration Platform used>",
"referrer_platform_version": "<Integration Platform version>",
"invoice_id": "<Merchant invoice id>",
"attempts": <#Transactions for the order>,
"device_user_agent": "<User Agent>",
"status": "completed",
"currency": "<ISO_4217 Alpha-3 format currency>",
"description": "",
"cancellation_reason": "payment success",
"additional_charges": 0,
"grand_total": <total_amount - offer_discount + additional_charges>,
"offer_discount": 0,
"refund_details": { // this field will only come when the order_status is `completed`. This object will have all the refund details for the order.
"refundable_currency": "INR",
"available_refundable_amount": 0.0,
"refunded_amount": 5.0,
"total_refundable_amount": 5.0
"currency_conversion": { // this object is sent only if the transaction currency was changed.
"original_currency": "USD",
"converted_currency": "INR",
"exchange_rate": 100.0,
"conversion_reason": "ALTERNATE_CURRENCY_CONFIG",
"original_amount_before_tax": 8.0,
"original_tax": 2.0,
"original_total_amount": 10.0
"custom_attributes": [{
"key_1": "val_1"
"key_2": "val_2"
"device": {
"browser_name": "Chrome",
"device_name": "Other",
"os_name": "Windows",
"ip_address": ""
"nimbbl_signature": "<Nimbbl signature>",
"psp_raw_response": {
// psp_raw_response object will be different for each payment_partner
"user": {
"email": "",
"mobile": "9121212121",
"name": "Shakthiman",
"user_id": "<user_ID>"
"event_type": "refund_pending",
"status": "pending",
"message": "Refund Pending",
"nimbbl_order_id": "<Order_ID>",
"refund_transaction_id": "<Refund Transaction ID>",
"transaction": {
"transaction_id": "<Transaction_ID>",
"payment_partner": "<Payment Partner>",
"refund_status": "pending",
"payment_mode": <Payment Mode>,
"sub_payment_mode": {
// sub_payment_mode object will be different for each payment_mode
// Payment Mode = "Netbanking"
"bank_name": "<Bank Name>",
// Payment Mode = "Wallet"
"wallet_name": "<Wallet Name>",
// Payment Mode = "UPI"
"upi_id": "Vpa Id",
"upi_holder": "Vpa Holder",
"upi_app_name": "Vpa App Name",
"upi_instrument": "Upi Instrument",
"upi_flow": "<Intent, Collect, QR>",
// Payment Mode = "<Credit Card, Debit Card, Prepaid Card>"
"card_input_type": "<Card Input Type>", // merchant_network_token, nimbbl_token_id, card_pan
"issuer": "<Issuer>",
"card_type": "<Card Type>",
"scheme": "<Card Network>",
"masked_card": "<Masked Card>", // Only if card_input_type is "card_pan" and "merchant_network_token"
"expiry": "<Card Expiry>", // Only if card_input_type is "card_pan" and "merchant_network_token"
"card_holder": "<Card Holder Name>", // Only if card_input_type is "card_pan" and "merchant_network_token"
"network_token": "<Network Token>", // Only if card_input_type is "merchant_network_token"
"nimbbl_token_id": "<Nimbbl Token Id>", // Only if card_input_type is "nimbbl_token_id"
// Payment Mode = "<Credit Card EMI, Debit Card EMI>"
"emi": {
"issuer_code": "<Issuer Code>",
"card_network_code": "<Card Network Code>",
"card_input_type": "<Card Input Type>", // merchant_network_token, nimbbl_token_id
"masked_card": "<Masked Card>",
"card_holder": "<Card Holder Name>",
"subvention_type": "<Subvention Type>",
"installment_amount": "<Formatted Installment Amount>",
"interest_discount": "<Formatted Interest Discount>",
"cashback_amount": "<Formatted Cashback Amount>",
"tenure": "<EMI Tenure>",
"frequency": "<EMI Frequency>",
"processing_fee_data": {
"fee": "<Formatted Processing Fee>",
"gst_exclusive": "<GST Exclusive>"
"interest_amount": "<Formatted Interest Amount>",
"interest_rate": "<Formatted Interest Rate>",
"subvented_interest_rate": "<Formatted Subvented Interest Rate>",
"network_token" : "<Network Token>", // Only if card_input_type is merchant_network_token
"nimbbl_token_id" : "<Nimbbl Token Id>", // Only if card_input_type is nimbbl_token_id
"psp_transaction_id": "<Pay_ID>",
"signature": "<nimbbl_signature>",
"signature_version": "v3",
"refund_currency": "INR",
"nimbbl_consumer_message": "",
"nimbbl_merchant_message": "",
"nimbbl_error_code": "",
"original_payment_transaction_id": "<Payment Transaction ID>",
"refund_request_id": "",
"refund_arn": "",
"refund_amount": <Refund amount with upto 2 decimal>,
"payment_transaction_amount": <Transaction amount with upto 2 decimal>,
"transaction_type": "full-refund"
"order": {
"order_date": "<Date in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format>",
"amount_before_tax": <Amount before tax>,
"tax": <Tax amount>,
"total_amount": <Total Amount>,
"referrer_platform": "<Integration Platform used>",
"referrer_platform_version": "<Integration Platform version>",
"invoice_id": "<Merchant invoice id>",
"attempts": <#Transactions for the order>,
"device_user_agent": "<User Agent>",
"status": "completed",
"currency": "<ISO_4217 Alpha-3 format currency>",
"description": "",
"cancellation_reason": "payment success",
"additional_charges": 0,
"grand_total": <total_amount - offer_discount + additional_charges>,
"offer_discount": 0,
"refund_details": { // this field will only come when the order_status is `completed`. This object will have all the refund details for the order.
"refundable_currency": "INR",
"available_refundable_amount": 0.0,
"refunded_amount": 5.0,
"total_refundable_amount": 5.0
"currency_conversion": { // this object is sent only if the transaction currency was changed.
"original_currency": "USD",
"converted_currency": "INR",
"exchange_rate": 100.0,
"conversion_reason": "ALTERNATE_CURRENCY_CONFIG",
"original_amount_before_tax": 8.0,
"original_tax": 2.0,
"original_total_amount": 10.0
"custom_attributes": [{
"key_1": "val_1"
"key_2": "val_2"
"device": {
"browser_name": "Chrome",
"device_name": "Other",
"os_name": "Windows",
"ip_address": ""
"nimbbl_signature": "<Nimbbl signature>",
"psp_raw_response": {
// psp_raw_response object will be different for each payment_partner
"user": {
"email": "",
"mobile": "9121212121",
"name": "Shakthiman",
"user_id": "<user_ID>"
Encrypted Response
Once you decrypt the following key encrypted_response
, you will get the unencrypted response corresponding to the webhook event.
To learn more about encryption/decryption, please refer to this guide.
"encrypted_response" : "3164351ca6195e9871cca9de3117cb8f1e3cd01c984796dc79a252206cd4532994a6dd1dfcd1f3aac92ad834a49b2f1823b7092535bc6f92401223e2598b31781646339ecdd5d1f219bed267f69c5ef8c26f78fc6ef7fa2c47023f15a6343f75c7944ce1f8f26710effbbfda30fdc7385c1cd405fdbd1609d95411782fb6a62caf0104f0575ba4b68c7edb244bf60116b914e614f9c482c04172efcf0262cf7e547c25d7281d57513f76ce64069218a3a00894ee2c2be05286cfae5c0df94bb0550dfa66b743dd98885e2ae956ae93b159d6996cd3ef478480a2235e2f125ae58062bea75acdac580489a25236491a7027d1df1e38be092f49c07d402707d1b6375f0cc9a4f3e9c795912a3389d6ee45414c2ed34d0e61cc4667b6c50bc1e538b9a55e69ff1f90fd003040c54b70abc477cfa91f4f24c3503a1491b1b9076c5cbd8be47ab52e520b3c352e597f03568f61c36b475659081331371ce7b5e997fa916aee7c98969ee7e62453e44481170c723f1676ecc5bbc34ccccfc2ac4e5f111af3b09a5edaed242f3d11878dfa534c25841e4671c421d960ddec24b992b359c6b340073fb7961da47a39c10e01f51833852d13e4b5b2f0282277d6b3d165f4005778d92fff458a53aa48d5de948bf42ea7619277581a9cb921e43377ab5a1ac576fe0166652de79b4c4c05135926f6c96f86c2dcf28ebde91977b6cebc9a02c00dd15118f9bf47a63a355500f5303be025d3b12342a262115c105ae24f548a4cc25d879fdbb879f006cfd5f26a03ac38f3e820641124ce92864a669d1c0f24a80fb179c2c76404f6e4b5848a565f9219d9451e8a37e588cbc0502df49af523354631eaec855b79694d128d4624602b5755918a9debc46dc53fee1de166ad9fc70d6657ed969a0e56778f819da93f8286e92ed91671b2e1cd7ab7bc2065a8eec49556371d7b3df83a5246d4a45e9703730fe5a2df8bb2b0f4820bf9be5ed691acf2a0e10e842a74852c75a0cedf932a0b0c8e4ba813e02bdb1d54f1865618b4cfd4c0d9193a95c120b99fd0558bb26c258ca5ea2f58ed176e48e504dd9e9c121f67f132180f62552d0a24d3649d212c1a5ac87d44db9f94d01acfa21033d0ed4149e2a8a2ab32f401b7aaefd1f171c964f0616d556fdff82496f4cba1e552560da1e54b40afebc90b037847184c8817678af5fdbb229110b6124a0035f3f1902ff4f85c8a3c4710e674de1940758cf38727d7d7b80aa47f2fa1b5c1f7221a313a9e4d382529e27f26ef26837dcc0c3f5652988f94aa818526d79ab6192ef647db6edb878e3867445ac2381d7468ed523b87f0391f10011882435716a5c5d3c0fde6ecfbe2c0365696d8a529a09ee0954775a3c7e7f1945abc60ba05ab6537db9cdc42ae52fe0a82c05b39be924fa34b656f02c17d8f2cea7bf76d33982ba2dd3286a8cc019902b90861e9604571d6ff73a61e5e1ded40e80ff9df40a923b7cd338ec8fa0dd1a6fe7fe3991694f02379aa8e0cb523f9395946593a3c63ea0151d7ee973cfc34bcc74ea472e3ff5db678b9e3c668551ee6ea241a38666f77e520f9668863477be9699b3accaa940d1ef5ec8d206101677a1b402aa72a054245b271107f077a07d5fff171454cd3954530a0d580d69f046ac8a2ff192df8d1b6823a08012c4bd19ec52b04aeb4348c7e50eae63d36c4978a9b23ae347007502afae55394f3bceaada92398b50a95ee14a9ee13fae3b91612de40f58aa38ef4c4285833793f56d8c7e379064cbf51c0ff2ae3e90af7bd887b4d9ec488d32a8fb444c6bfa78dbc0a18467ee29c94b322367a1c70d4f23be905a8d122e16c278ab631c2cb7456e73966d71d797c3e41376a48bc0e4803ec8fb56bfae126ce5559c8e085830adab0f266ca0dcf25c2a8be9f863e5e51b735cd38e107cfdaa4a961bf1b1f4f0870372fa2a82ca0c52a3104266cdca32a77882aa11d0c77309e66671d7600951fa87c510f8643123d73cfb738f8ee5b35364921aa21c40d90cef96d4426d2d1ba7964f34282af6f51ba682ea10e4ff69f7c3e736531ebe8665ffed316f8d42d5536b3982e3261fa75b8426ab8965959a0e0ba14ceb95b9f32300888979d3c82aa7dda23fad7fa3d1108f1efa1c6f69876af973d92863b5f8e52359e52e329e105eb332906d95f8358a115772dd58d367bcfab9437544d535a60aba726aacd780c6f8c46b4e570a27ddab8118d9c1220d24163a9738b93189da7a1fb01147d80b21c0834b0b892ac68f3f6db1946c97b9e8d5734cfc1477f87dea1a1650a47904ef3658c42da4c0e1f4a1431d8a903145619dd373fb9fd301f2afb87bd941b601e550d6c295d9ef31ea53c2d1ed9eba488627bf19f24ae3d77b4272e040f867662d8bda6402750aae9b3a113160705482399ea3a402e3e50930ed05dfa9b3d13649ae3a0525ff035b739b14a50e12d77abac1585dd9bf1eb44fded8672609ccf10e8ffcc4c38b9df0f3660a81d498f25e04d095b8f95d40fa6b9da582e7a6ac429e34d3cab509ef6b62f08d49eb9f42a2b2d0a806536a348d0460ed0a3593f85ca6c436efa1c0753cd0c1037034664e07470c5ec5d98704f33827db4c37865d0a4c49e5900bc899dbd972da764a573b2c8531687d8beccdf33c7d9a358fa85b5ac405f621545b48fa62c83fcf0bd3e914ed6ac9427d5093dc621538aa3aae9e5dea7ab105bbd901de4d3de1935776b7f45e280b5a4ea14be31f037b513902d0c47ef02279611390037c00807d3fc6b5477aa5018de21a4514744f9cb9f366e2c9d639a4d6e446d16732044b3175476e90735a11196cebb86c4156197ecd018f837caa03f1f0ffda19d4c5850788770b61a9af3877d0a2130fca437621c32b6f2e428769371c5da14d1d3ae425679e6bda08c9c3df7246e955daf71f2c47927949d71ee5b7d884b334218e35122e2ed1f5108b08fdd45eb9434cc776f6cd4f50cc3f4d5af662feb6769a944f0df0ed282e1a5f1cbc53d22a419080439e21058092ff5591f70648890826eb0c68c80342b2563204eaa733bafb889bc346d273e3a1d1a4fd2ca03773ba15b9897c442e08f3c1db6188f19f0060605707a3b807430613793eb8806264c882e3ecca76bb978328327ca55b49dede37c173f5ff9e4594f1ea041eead4677da7087347d1d42431b74b00273252780833f9fa3ace8c28786e0ad0887c5fdc42257545405a4cbd4fbf0a24c6fa2ef3e2bab34d061a4417a17bfbf91d58b4e741ffe33032ed2fcad8f5a2b6142ad993f202f072947801ec6790dee924c86d64911bbb011e908ea930f5066c28c982cf931fb6fddcc07fef2088c2f41a48c19f84945fb20c2351db12874824aecc97affa41fc59ec75822cbacaef85f24faf959f61bad8a2af014b69f8b7ff8aa13510088add31d2784fe8f90e97af94d29d252aef5e3ef5663acdae23bc4558fd3e9e43b5810b8e037d9208f5be18a27dc28ffad08fb28501c2196c530193311429bb804f9cbdd7971e255dc1732e285c29373d5326b1548c3d274b9073a6e0160035f7c93723f7353d60b98ae140f00c97f701bb822728a412bfdd48160d552b23fb7b5e253096812b434b4819f88948d0c0d5e17b497e8b3b5993cebe53822a6fe7413c40070ea05a0b6d469e18b5922afa304e85255a109ce5ad79077e374a3b93aa9e3051bc9abaefb6fe558b7420cc5165a21e7681a33ff6ebff9666853a83cdd970a79984d3cedc7300b17db398790592b57156de4944b325c7d422d265ebb39f52b5c4a1e2f706b0a3509bf907b9739a9be52049d37de678550386d1af83df896f31dbdee78426168b6696b354c34ae9d4eff314069723be410dd0df6dd43a547a1b7829710773e344fe9525c9722bf790250448a47de6d974e40d2756007f39963596f51c8841d1185f9106d3bc748d723655dbf59b71c872e6e93d049f869d1a07c1b42328463c6fc106523b5c142f6b7deda8bf4600b7cb1462ebbcd1c28ef2d342ae279f61585a29ffdbda051fda444335dac496ab8b05654cd84"
Performing Transaction Enquiry
If you want to proactively fetch the status of a single transaction from Nimbbl then you can use the Enquiry API. If the transaction is pending
at Nimbbl, we will attempt to fetch the latest status from the payment provider.
The following endpoint performs the enquiry:
Method | End Point |
POST | /v3/transaction-enquiry |
To read in detail about the request, response, sample payloads and error scenarios for this API, please click here.