11 Best WooCommerce Abandoned Cart Recovery Plugins in 2023

14 min read

woocommerce abandoned cart recovery plugin

Are you tired of losing potential sales due to cart abandonment on your WooCommerce store? Understanding the reasons behind abandonment and utilising a WooCommerce abandoned cart recovery plugin can significantly reduce this issue. In this blog, we cover everything you need to know about cart abandonment in eCommerce, the role of WooCommerce abandoned cart recovery plugins, and how to choose the most effective one for your business needs. We also provide a detailed review of the 11 best WooCommerce abandoned cart recovery plugins in 2023.

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Understanding the Cart Abandonment Problem

Cart abandonment is a common challenge faced by online store owners. High abandonment rates can have a significant impact on eCommerce revenue. It occurs when shoppers leave without completing their purchase, which ultimately leads to lost sales. The average cart abandonment rate is around 70%, meaning that a whopping seven out of ten potential sales slip through the cracks. This translates to missed revenue opportunities and underutilised marketing efforts.

Reducing abandonment is crucial for increasing conversions and driving revenue. To tackle this issue effectively, it is important to understand the reasons behind abandonment. By identifying these reasons, online store owners can implement effective solutions to recover lost potential sales and improve their overall conversion rates.

Reasons Why Customers Abandon Their Carts

There are multiple reasons why customers abandon their purchase midway. Here are some of the few reason: Unexpected shipping costs can often lead to cart abandonment, as shoppers are caught off guard by additional fees. Complicated checkout processes also play a role in discouraging customers from completing their purchases. When a website lacks trustworthiness in terms of security, shoppers may hesitate to proceed to checkout. Additionally, comparison shopping can cause customers to abandon their carts in search of better deals. Technical issues or website errors can also frustrate shoppers and ultimately lead to cart abandonment.

The Role of WooCommerce Abandoned Cart Recovery Plugins

WooCommerce abandoned cart recovery plugins play a crucial role in recovering lost sales. Some of their useful feature includes:

  • Sending timely reminder emails to customers who have abandoned their carts, encouraging them to complete their purchase.
  • Providing real-time notifications to store owners, keeping them updated on lost orders and allowing store owners to optimise their strategies.
  • These plugins also offer personalised discounts and coupons as incentives for customers to return and finalise their transactions.
  • By integrating with the WordPress dashboard, these plugins offer a seamless experience for both admin and guest users.
  • Furthermore, they can be integrated with other email marketing campaigns and social media platforms like Facebook, maximising their reach and effectiveness.

Choosing the Most Effective WooCommerce Abandoned Cart Plugin

When choosing a WooCommerce abandoned cart plugin, it’s important to consider the features offered by different plugins. Look for plugins that are compatible with your WooCommerce store and other plugins you use. Reading reviews and ratings will help gauge the effectiveness and reliability of the plugin. Additionally, consider the pricing plans and choose a plugin that aligns with your budget and requirements. Before implementing a plugin, it’s recommended to test its performance and compatibility. By following these steps, you can select the most effective WooCommerce abandonment recovery plugin for your eCommerce store. Consider these factors as you evaluate your options:

  • Automated Recovery Campaigns: Look for a plugin that lets you set up automated email sequences to gently nudge customers back to their carts. Personalised follow-ups can work wonders in rekindling interest.
  • Customisable Email Templates: The ability to customise email templates ensures your communication is on-brand and resonates with your audience.
  • Exit-Intent Popups: An exit-intent popup can capture a customer’s attention just as they’re about to leave, giving you one last shot at convincing them to stay.
  • Discounts and Offers: Some plugins allow you to offer exclusive discounts or incentives to encourage customers to complete their purchases.
  • Detailed Analytics: Comprehensive analytics provide insights into the effectiveness of your recovery campaigns, allowing you to fine-tune your strategies for better results.

Detailed Review of the 11 Best WooCommerce Abandoned Cart Recovery Plugins in 2023

WooCommerce Abandoned Cart Pro

WooCommerce Abandoned Cart Pro

WooCommerce Abandoned Cart Pro is a robust plugin that offers comprehensive features for recovering abandoned carts. With this plugin, you can send automated recovery emails to customers, thanks to its customisable templates. It also provides real-time recovery data and analytics, allowing you to track and optimise your recovery efforts. Setting up and integrating this plugin with your WooCommerce store is a breeze.

Best for you if:

  • You’re seeking a comprehensive solution to recover lost sales.
  • You value automation and want to implement personalised email campaigns to entice potential buyers back to their buying journey.
  • You’re looking for a plugin that seamlessly integrates with your WooCommerce setup and offers detailed analytics for insights into lost opportunity patterns.



Retainful is a powerful plugin for WooCommerce. It specialises in recovering abandoned carts. The plugin also provides real-time notifications and analytics for effective recovery. Additionally, Retainful offers features like unique coupon codes, cart recovery reminders, and follow-up emails. It seamlessly integrates with popular email marketing platforms and provides automation capabilities.

Best for you if:

  • You’re focused on customer retention and want to leverage abandoned cart recovery as a means to re-engage existing customers.
  • Your store caters to repeat buyers, and you want to offer unique incentives or discounts to incentivise them to complete their purchases.
  • You value flexible email customisation and want to create eye-catching recovery emails that resonate with your brand’s identity.

Abandoned Cart Lite for WooCommerce

Abandoned Cart Lite for WooCommerce

Abandoned Cart Lite for WooCommerce is a popular and user-friendly plugin. It offers automated recovery emails to customers who’ve abandoned their carts. The plugin provides real-time cart recovery data and reports, allowing you to track the effectiveness of your recovery efforts. Additionally, Abandoned Cart Lite for WooCommerce is compatible with various WooCommerce themes and plugins, making it a versatile option for your eCommerce store.

Best for you if:

  • You’re just starting out with abandoned cart recovery and want to explore a user-friendly and lightweight plugin.
  • Your store has a relatively small product catalogue and customer base, making this plugin a suitable choice for your needs.
  • You’re looking for a simple yet effective solution to address cart abandonment without overwhelming features.

ELEX WooCommerce Abandoned Cart Recovery

ELEX WooCommerce Abandoned Cart Recovery

Looking for a user-friendly WooCommerce abandoned cart recovery plugin? ELEX WooCommerce Abandoned Cart Recovery is a great choice. It offers multiple recovery attempts and email reminders to encourage customers to complete their purchase. You can also send personalised messages and discounts to entice them further. The plugin integrates seamlessly with popular email marketing platforms like Mailchimp and Sendinblue. Additionally, you have the option to exclude certain products or categories from the abandoned cart recovery process.

Best for you if:

  • You’re seeking a feature-rich solution with advanced customization options to tailor your cart recovery strategy.
  • Your store operates across various geographies and currencies, and you need a plugin that supports multi-language and multi-currency functionalities.
  • You value comprehensive support and want access to a responsive customer service team for any technical assistance.



ShopMagic offers automated abandoned cart recovery emails. With customisable email templates and scheduling options, you can tailor your messages for maximum impact. Detailed reports and analysis of recovery rates allow you to track the effectiveness of your campaigns. Plus, ShopMagic seamlessly integrates with other WooCommerce plugins, streamlining your workflow. And if you have any questions or issues, their customer support team is there to assist you.

Best for you if:

  • You’re looking for an all-in-one solution that not only recovers abandoned carts but also helps you automate various aspects of your e-commerce operations.
  • Your store relies on workflow automation to streamline tasks, from cart recovery emails to order processing and customer engagement.
  • You want to leverage data-driven insights to optimise your cart recovery strategy and overall e-commerce performance.



Metorik is a powerful abandoned cart recovery plugin for WooCommerce. It offers real-time monitoring of abandonments and sends automated emails to remind customers to complete their purchase. With Metorik, you can recover lost revenue and improve customer retention for your WooCommerce store. The plugin also provides in-depth analytics and reports to help optimise your win back strategy. Additionally, it includes features such as cart retention campaigns, personalised email templates, and A/B testing.

Best for you if:

  • You’re seeking an analytical approach to cart recovery and want to dig deep into data to understand customer behaviour and optimise your recovery efforts.
  • Your store focuses on data-driven decision-making, and you value a plugin that provides detailed reports and insights for continuous improvement.
  • You’re looking for a solution that goes beyond traditional email recovery and offers innovative methods to engage potential buyers.



CartBounty is a robust plugin for WooCommerce that offers customisable email templates and targeted follow-up emails to remind customers about their abandonments. It also provides flexible discount options to incentivise customers to complete their purchase. With detailed analytics and reporting, CartBounty allows you to track the success of your win back efforts. The plugin seamlessly integrates with popular email marketing services like Mailchimp, making it easy to streamline your marketing efforts.

Best for you if:

  • You want a plugin that offers a range of recovery methods, including email campaigns, exit-intent popups, and unique discount strategies.
  • Your store caters to a diverse audience, and you need a plugin that supports customisation to target different customer segments effectively.
  • You’re seeking an intuitive and user-friendly solution that allows you to set up recovery campaigns with ease, even without technical expertise.

Abandoned Cart Reports For WooCommerce

Abandoned Cart Reports For WooCommerce

If you’re looking for insights on how to track and recover abandoned carts, WooCommerce Abandoned Cart Reports is the perfect tool for you. This plugin is designed specifically for WooCommerce stores that prioritise data-driven decision-making. With detailed reports and analytics, you can gain valuable insights into customer behaviour and optimise your recovery efforts. It provides customisable email templates and targeted follow-up emails to remind customers about their abandonments. Additionally, flexible discount options are available to incentivise customers to complete their purchase. One of the key advantages of this plugin is its seamless integration with popular email marketing services like Mailchimp.

Best for you if:

  • You’re focused on gaining insights into abandonment patterns and want a plugin that provides detailed reports and analytics.
  • Your store is at a stage where you want to understand the underlying reasons behind abandonment before implementing recovery strategies.
  • You value simplicity and want a plugin that primarily focuses on reporting and analytics rather than complex win back mechanisms.

HubSpot for WooCommerce

HubSpot for WooCommerce

If you’re looking for a powerful abandoned cart recovery plugin for your WooCommerce store, HubSpot for WooCommerce is a great choice. With this plugin, you can easily track and recover abandonments, send cart abandonment emails, and follow up with potential customers. It also offers advanced reporting and analytics, allowing you to optimise your cart recovery strategy. It also includes features like automated email campaigns, lead capture forms, and contact segmentation.

Best for you if:

  • You’re already using HubSpot as your CRM and marketing automation platform, and you want to seamlessly integrate abandonment recovery into your existing workflow.
  • Your store emphasises personalised customer journeys, and you want to leverage HubSpot’s powerful automation capabilities for targeted recovery campaigns.
  • You’re seeking a solution that combines abandoned recovery with broader marketing efforts, allowing you to nurture leads and drive conversions.



Recovering lost sales and improving customer retention is crucial for any WooCommerce store owner. With CartBoss, you have the power to customise and automate your abandonment recovery campaigns. This plugin offers a range of features and benefits that can help you recover those abandonments and increase revenue. By sending personalised emails, you can entice customers to return and complete their purchase. It also provides real-world examples of how it has helped other WooCommerce store owners recover their lost sales and grow their businesses.

Best for you if:

  • You’re looking for a plugin that offers innovative recovery methods, such as SMS notifications or Facebook Messenger reminders, to engage potential buyers.
  • Your store’s target audience is highly active on social media platforms, and you want to leverage these channels for effective sales recovery.
  • You value versatility and want a plugin that allows you to experiment with various communication channels to reconnect with potential customers.

Beeketing for WooCommerce

Beeketing for WooCommerce

Beeketing for WooCommerce is a popular abandoned plugin that offers a range of features to help you recover lost sales. With Beeketing, you can create personalised email campaigns and use exit-intent popups to capture the attention of potential customers. Compared to other plugins, Beeketing has received positive reviews for its performance and effectiveness in recovering abandoned carts. It also offers flexible pricing options and plans to suit different business needs.

Best for you if:

  • You want a comprehensive marketing automation suite that not only focuses on abandonment recovery but also covers a range of other e-commerce marketing strategies.
  • Your store’s marketing strategy includes upselling, cross-selling, and personalised product recommendations to drive conversions beyond cart recovery.
  • You’re seeking an all-encompassing solution to optimise your entire customer journey and enhance customer engagement throughout their shopping experience.

How to Utilise WooCommerce Abandoned Cart Recovery Plugins

To make the most of WooCommerce abandoned cart recovery plugins, it’s essential to understand their importance in eCommerce. Start by selecting the right plugin for your business, considering features like automated recovery emails and personalisation options. Set up enticing win back personalised emails that include customer data and product recommendations. Lastly, analyse and optimise your recovery campaigns for better results.

Setting Up a WooCommerce Abandoned Cart Recovery Plugin

To set up a WooCommerce abandoned cart recovery plugin, start by choosing a reliable option that suits your needs. Install and activate the plugin on your WordPress website. Next, configure the plugin settings according to your requirements. This includes setting up automated email notifications for abandonments. Make sure to test the functionality of the plugin by sending a test email. This will ensure that everything is working smoothly before implementing it on your eCommerce store.

Customising the WooCommerce Abandoned Cart Recovery Plugin

When customising the selected plugin, there are several ways to enhance its functionality and align it with your brand. Personalise the email templates by incorporating the customer’s name and shopping cart details, making the communication more personalised. You can also customise the email content to match your brand voice, ensuring a cohesive and consistent experience for your customers. Offering exclusive coupons or discounts in win back emails can incentivise customers to return and complete their purchase. Additionally, customising the checkout page can streamline the checkout process and remove any potential friction. Lastly, utilising real-time notifications can alert you promptly of abandonments, allowing for timely follow-up.

Best Practices for Recovering Abandoned Carts in WooCommerce

One effective strategy is to offer compelling discounts and incentives to entice customers back. Optimising the user experience on the cart page can also reduce abandonment rates. Additionally, implementing exit-intent popups can capture abandoning visitors and provide an opportunity to recover their carts. Sending timely and personalised follow-up emails reminding customers about their abandonments is crucial. Finally, providing fast checkout and multiple payment options accommodates different preferences and increases the chances of completing the purchase. These practices can significantly improve recovery rates.

Offering Discounts and Incentives to Return

To encourage customers to return after abandoning their carts, you can provide exclusive coupon codes or offer free shipping and additional discounts. Creating limited-time offers creates a sense of urgency, motivating them to make a purchase. Dynamic pricing allows you to offer personalised discounts based on the value of their abandoned cart. Implementing loyalty programs also encourages repeat purchases.

Enhancing WordPress Shopper Experience

To reduce abandonments, it’s crucial to enhance the user experience. One way to do this is by optimising your website’s speed and performance, ensuring a seamless browsing and purchasing experience. Simplify the checkout process with minimal steps and clear instructions, making it easy for customers to complete their purchase. Displaying trust badges and secure payment icons builds customer confidence in your eCommerce store. Enabling guest checkout allows quick and hassle-free purchases for users who don’t want to create an account. Implementing an address autocomplete feature speeds up form filling, further streamlining the process.

Implementing Real-time Exit-Intent Popups

When visitors show signs of exit behaviour, implementing exit-intent popups can be an effective strategy. These popups can help grab their attention and encourage them to stay on your site or complete a purchase. By offering compelling incentives or discounts through eye-catching visuals and persuasive copy, you can entice them to convert. It’s also important to ensure that the exit-intent popups are mobile-friendly for a seamless user experience. A/B testing different designs and messaging can help optimise conversion rates.

Sending Timely, Personalized Notifications and Follow-up Emails

Sending timely and personalised follow-up emails is crucial for recovering abandoned carts. The first recovery email should be sent within a few hours of cart abandonment. Personalise the email by addressing the customer by name and including details about their abandonments. It’s important to include a clear call-to-action in the email to encourage customers to complete their purchase. Email automation can be used to send a series of follow-up emails at strategic intervals. Segmenting the email list based on customer behaviour and preferences further enhances the effectiveness of these emails.

Providing Multiple Payment Options

Choosing the best payment gateway for WooCommerce is critical for your business. When it comes to providing multiple payment options for your customers, there are several strategies you can implement. One approach is to accept various payment methods such as UPI, credit cards, netbanking, cardless EMI, digital wallets among others. This gives your customers the flexibility to choose the payment method they prefer. Another option is to offer instalment or buy-now-pay-later options, which can be particularly appealing to customers who want to use the benefit of stacked payments.

The Nimbbl Checkout flow on UPI and BNPL payments

nimbbl fast checkout

Integrating with popular multiple payment gateways is also crucial, as it allows you to cater to a wider audience. With Nimbbl, your online store can get up to 35% higher conversions using the fast checkout with the following features:

  • One-click checkout experience for higher conversion rates
  • Single API for multiple payment aggregators, supporting cards, UPI, BNPL, netbanking, wallets, and more
  • Multi-currency processing
  • Set up routing preferences at the payment mode level across these aggregators
  • Plugins for popular e-commerce stores like WooCommerce, WordPress, Shopify and Opencart
  • Single dashboard for all ops/care roles, giving access to transaction data, settlement data and the ability to process refunds.
  • Payment links and no code payment pages to support all customer channels
nimbbl signup

What Makes WooCommerce Abandoned Cart Recovery Plugins E-Commerce Game-Changer?

They provide automated solutions to recover lost sales with customisable follow-up emails and pre-built templates. Real-time tracking and analysis of abandonment data help optimise campaigns. Features like reminders, discounts, and integration with email marketing platforms enhance effectiveness.

The Positive Impact on Sales and Conversions

WooCommerce abandoned cart recovery plugins have a significant positive impact on sales and conversions. By sending targeted follow-up emails, the chances of customers completing their purchase are greatly increased. Offering personalised discounts and incentives through email campaigns also boosts conversion rates. Implementing recovery plugins ensures a seamless checkout process and reduces friction, leading to higher sales. Additionally, real-time notifications and email reminders prompt customers to revisit their abandoned carts, further maximising sales and conversions.

Enhanced Customer Retention through Follow-up Emails

Retaining customers who have shown interest in your products is crucial for the success of your WooCommerce store. One way to enhance customer retention is through follow-up emails. These emails provide an opportunity to address any concerns or questions that customers may have and offer them personalised support. By recommending products based on their cart items, you can create a tailored shopping experience for your customers. Ongoing communication through email campaigns not only builds trust but also strengthens customer loyalty.

Reduction in Checkout Cart Abandonment Rate

Reducing abandonment rates is crucial for WooCommerce stores, and abandoned cart recovery plugins play a significant role in achieving that. These plugins leverage automated follow-up emails to remind customers about their abandoned carts and encourage them to complete the purchase. By offering incentives like discounts or free shipping in these emails, WooCommerce stores entice customers back to their website. Real-time cart recovery notifications provide timely reminders to potential customers, increasing the chances of them returning to complete their purchase.

Recover Lost Sales Opportunity

WooCommerce abandoned cart recovery plugins are essential for enhancing overall eCommerce performance. They enable store owners to recover lost revenue by converting abandonments into completed purchases. These plugins offer a range of features such as email customisation, coupon codes, and real-time tracking. Integration with popular email marketing platforms further boosts the effectiveness of cart recovery campaigns. Additionally, WooCommerce abandoned cart recovery plugins provide actionable insights that help optimise the checkout process.

FAQs on Abandoned Cart Recovery Plugins

What is a WooCommerce Abandoned Cart?

A WooCommerce abandoned cart refers to a situation where a customer adds items to their shopping cart on an online store powered by WooCommerce but does not complete the purchase. This can happen for various reasons, such as distractions, indecision, or technical issues. When a customer abandons their cart, it means they leave the website without making a purchase, leaving behind a virtual “abandoned” shopping cart.

How can I identify which carts have been abandoned in WooCommerce?

To identify abandoned carts in WooCommerce, you can use the built-in features and plugins available. Here are a few methods you can try: WooCommerce Reports, Abandoned Cart Recovery Plugins, Google Analytics, or if you have specific requirements or want more control over identifying abandoned carts, you may consider custom development using the WooCommerce API or hooks/filters provided by WooCommerce.

Do WooCommerce Abandoned Cart Recovery Plugins Guarantee 0 Cart Abandonment?

Although WooCommerce recovery plugins can help recover lost sales by sending reminders, they do not guarantee zero cart abandonment. Factors like shipping costs and lengthy checkout processes contribute to cart abandonment. These plugins are effective but it’s crucial to address underlying reasons for abandonment too.

Can I Customise the Emails Sent by the WooCommerce Abandoned Cart Recovery Plugin?

Most WooCommerce cart recovery plugins offer customisation options for the emails sent to customers. You can personalise the subject line and content, aligning it with your brand’s voice. Some plugins even provide pre-designed templates that you can easily customise. Customising these emails can improve the chances of converting abandoned carts into sales.

Is it Possible to Track the Success Rate of a WooCommerce Abandoned Cart Recovery Plugin?

Tracking the success rate of a WooCommerce cart recovery plugin is definitely possible. These plugins usually offer analytics and reporting features to monitor metrics like recovered revenue and conversion rates. Regularly monitoring these metrics helps evaluate the plugin’s effectiveness, allowing for necessary adjustments to improve performance.

How Frequently Should I Send Follow-Up Emails to Customers Who Have Abandoned Carts?

Determining the ideal frequency of follow-up emails to customers who have abandoned their carts is crucial. Consider customer behaviour and industry best practices when deciding how often to send these emails. Utilise real-time data and analytics to identify the optimal timing for maximum impact. Automation tools can also streamline the process of sending follow-up emails.


To wrap up, WooCommerce abandoned cart recovery plugins have revolutionised the world of e-commerce by providing effective solutions to combat cart abandonment. With a wide range of options available, you can choose the plugin that best suits your business needs. These plugins not only help in reducing cart abandonment but also improve sales and conversions. By offering discounts, enhancing user experience, implementing exit-intent popups, and sending personalised follow-up emails, you can recover lost sales and retain customers. So, why wait? Take advantage of WooCommerce abandoned cart recovery plugins and take your e-commerce business to new heights.

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