10 Best Wix Ecommerce Plugins for Indian Online Stores In 2024

8 min read

Wix eCommerce Plugins

Wix offers straightforward eCommerce capabilities for your online store. It’s decently priced, easy to use, and offers all the basic eCommerce features, such as support for up to 50,000 products, order management, and customisation options. 

However, what if “basic” isn’t what you’re looking for?

What if you wish to amplify lead generation, offer customers better and more diverse payment methods, or leverage granular insights on your sales data? 

Wix eCommerce plugins are what you need. These little software add-ons change the way your store works, improving user experience and bringing new features.

However, with more than 500 options, you may need to know which plugins to pick to extend your site functionality and experience. 

To ease your pain, we’ve compiled a list of the best Wix plugins across 10 categories to simplify your search for the right plugins. Let’s see what our list has.

FYI: The Wix eCommerce plugins we list here are strictly based on our assessment. Wix is not endorsing any of these plugins. You can explore more Wix plugins in the Wix store

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10 Best Wix Ecommerce Plugins For Different Applications

Wix powers over seven million websites and has over 200 million registered users worldwide, thanks to a perfect mix of “easy-to-use” and “packed with possibilities”. The drag-and-drop interface lets anyone, even those who break out in a cold sweat at the thought of coding, build stunning websites. Wix gets that your business needs to stand out, and its massive template library ensures you won’t end up with a cookie-cutter site.

But where Wix shines is its App Market. There are Wix plugins for everything you can think of. Plugins ease everything from product displays to live chat to secure payment options. Here are our picks from some of the most useful categories to help you choose the best Wix eCommerce plugins

Wix eCommerce plugins

Category: Social media

Social media is where you find your people and get noticed. It’s great for building hype around your brand, showing off products, and making real customer connections. Plus, social media platforms have powerful ad targeting. All this leads to more people checking out your shop and more sales!

WhatsApp Chat by Smartarget

WhatsApp Chat by Smartarget

Smartarget’s WhatsApp Chat plugin makes it extremely easy for customers to reach you using WhatsApp from your Wix site. Since WhatsApp supports chatbots, this plugin allows you to automate responses to common customer queries. It also enables personalised interactions by sending tailored messages based on your customer’s previous interactions.

Key Features

  • Multiple chat layouts: Users can choose from three types of chat layouts according to their preference and website design–floating bubbles, embed bubbles, and embed chat window
  • Direct response capability: Messages sent through the chat interface go directly to the linked WhatsApp account; conversations continue on WhatsApp even after the customer leaves the website
  • Integration with Wix Inbox: The WhatsApp account can be connected to the Wix Inbox for easier management of incoming messages

Category: Lead generation

Collecting visitor preferences, behaviours, and demographics data creates more personalised marketing campaigns, product recommendations, and user experiences. Forms are an effective method of capturing customer sentiment.

Boom Form

Boom Form

Boom Form’s Wix store plugin is the perfect tool for this job. This plugin enables Wix store owners to create multiple custom forms to collect entries and information from website visitors. Your form data is also completely encrypted and protected. Boom Form easily connects with CRM systems, Wix Collections, and Google Sheets to store and manage submission data directly in spreadsheets. 

Key Features

  • Multiple form types: Offers a variety of custom forms, from simple application forms to online orders, using ready-made templates that can be quickly modified and published
  • Advanced form features: Provides advanced form elements like signature fields, file uploaders, terms and conditions checkboxes, and password fields 
  • Customisable confirmation emails: Enables sending personalised confirmation emails to form submitters

Category: Social proof

Modern customers have plenty of choices. If they are spending their money, they want the best value. That’s why 76% of consumers search for reviews and testimonials before buying a product. Social proof is necessary for e-commerce stores because it builds trust, credibility, and customer confidence. It reassures your customers that your product or service is trustworthy. 

Fomo Social Proof

Fomo Social Proof

The Fomo Social Proof plugin eliminates the hassle of implementing social proof on your Wix site. This plugin can display customer actions like recent purchases, newsletter signups, and recent page views as animated notifications on your website. Plus, it can integrate with 100+ apps to show sales count, social media followers, product reviews, active visitors, email signups, and more. 

Key Features

  • Customisable notification themes: Creates a personalised, branded experience by customising your notification themes to match your brand
  • Scope events by location: Shows social proof notifications based on the visitor’s location
  • A/B testing: Runs A/B tests to determine which social proof notifications are most effective at driving conversions

Category: Payment gateway

Payment gateways make or break the shopping experience. A dependable e-commerce store is at the heart of a good e-commerce website. It should be seamless and scalable, offer multiple payment options, and encrypt customer data, among other things. Not all payment gateways offer all of that together. Nimmbl does!



Nimbbl is one of the best payment gateways for Wix. You can effortlessly integrate Nimbbl into your Wix store without any coding knowledge. Simply sign up on Nimbbl to get API keys, go to your Wix store’s Accept Payment settings, find Nimbbl, and connect your account. Nimbbl accepts payments from all major credit and debit card networks and bank accounts and supports new-age payment methods like UPI, Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL), and One-click checkout. 

Key Features

  • One-click checkout: Offers a swift one-click checkout experience by handling intelligent eligibility checks on payment modes in the background for each customer and creates a payment experience that’s seamless and free of OTP or manual submission of UPI ID
  • Intelligent payment router: Routes customers to their desired payment methods and creates an optimised payment experience through intelligent payment routing
  • Payment links: For new online stores without a website or application, Nimbbl offers an instant payment link generator. All you have to do is share this link with your customers to complete their purchase within seconds

Category: Analytics

Analysing visitor data is the key to creating high-ranking, targeted content. The insights gathered also help you better understand how people interact with your site.

Microsoft Clarity

Microsoft Clarity

Microsoft’s completely free and open-source tool Clarity is arguably the best tool for analytics. Clarity automatically generates heatmaps for all your website pages, which show where users click, what they ignore, and how far they scroll. Plus, this tool provides detailed engagement metrics like time spent on the site, bounce rates, and conversion rates for a comprehensive look at user engagement. 

Key Features

  • Session insights: Helps identify common navigation paths and user behaviours through session insights
  • Session recordings: This service offers recordings that help you observe how users navigate and interact with your site and identify common user paths, behaviours, and potential pain points.
  • Real-time insights: Provides real-time insights into user behaviour for quick identification of trends, issues, and opportunities for improvement

Category: Loyalty programs

Encouraging user loyalty is an absolute must for e-commerce stores these days. If you give incentives like discounts to customers, they will want to shop more. Indian customers love discounts. A plugin to reward your loyal customers with reward points, thus encouraging repeat purchases and boosting engagement. 

Smile: Points & Rewards

Smile: Points & Rewards

Smile.io’s Smile: Points & Rewards plugin is unparalleled when adding loyalty programs to your store. With Smile, most store owners can configure, design, and launch their rewards program on their Wix store in less than a day. The plugin helps increase repeat purchases by incentivising customers with points, referrals, and exclusive offers.

Key Features

  • Reward various customer actions: Allow customers to earn points for actions like placing an order, social sharing, or celebrating a birthday and encourage engagement
  • Customisable design: Match your rewards program’s design to your store by customising logos, banner images, colours, and other elements to align with your brand
  • Flexible redemption options: Customers can redeem their points for order discounts (incremental or fixed amounts), percentage discounts, and other rewards

Category: Video marketing

Customers need help to touch or try out your stuff online. But a video, even photos, lets you demonstrate how a product works, looks from every angle, and fits into someone’s lifestyle. That builds way more trust than a text description ever could. Plus, search engines love video! People spend longer on multimedia websites, meaning better dwell time.

Image & Video Media Slider

Image & Video Media Slider

POWR’s plugin Image & Video Media Slicer is a great option for adding attractive videos and images to your Wix site. You can upload images and videos to create engaging slideshows and display thumbnail previews of all the slides underneath the main slider with the Carousel layout. It lets you choose from various layout options, such as slideshow, carousel, or other formats, to showcase your media content best.

Key Features

  • Adjustable slide transition: Set the speed and style of the transition between slides to control the flow and visual impact of your media slider
  • Highly customisable design: Personalise the look and feel of your slider by choosing custom colours, fonts, borders, slider arrows, and more to match your brand aesthetic
  • Call-to-action buttons: Add clickable buttons to your slides that link to sales pages, product details, or promotional offers

Category: Email marketing

Social media algorithms change on a whim, but you control your email list.  Email is perfect for promotions, new product launches, and limited offers, not just newsletters.

Omnisend Email Marketing & SMS

Omnisend Email Marketing & SMS

Omnisend is a fantastic choice for email marketing on your Wix store. It easily connects with your Wix store and imports your customer data and product info straight from Wix into Omnisend for segmentation. Omnisend lets you build eye-catching pop-ups, signup boxes, and spin-to-win wheels to grow your subscriber list. Omnisend enables scheduling control, which gives you complete control over the send time and delays of your email and SMS campaigns to optimise engagement and effectiveness.

Key Features

  • Booking touchpoint automation: Avoids no-shows with automated email and SMS messages at every booking touchpoint, such as confirmation, cancellation, rescheduling, or approaching dates
  • Automated messages: Recover lost sales and improve customer engagement with automated messages for cart abandonment and welcome series
  • Customisable email templates: Choose from over 250 designer-made, fully customisable email templates to match your brand’s style and needs

Category: Design

Did you know that 94% of a website’s first impression is related to its design? You have seconds to capture a visitor’s attention, and a poorly designed site leads to quick bounces.

Impressive Site Menu

Impressive Site Menu

The Impressive Site Menu Wix plugin helps improve your page design with multiple menu levels and styles (side, full-screen, horizontal). You can organise complex product catalogues clearly and intuitively.  The plugin also brings a 3-level menu system for a more streamlined navigation experience. Website owners can include more categories and subcategories, making it easier for users to find the content they want. 

Key Features

  • Customisable design: The adaptive style feature of the Impressive Site Menu automatically matches your website’s existing style for a cohesive design across your site
  • Multiple menu types: Offers various menu types, including side menus, full-screen menus, and horizontal menus for different website layouts
  • Detailed content categorisation: Can create up to three levels of menus so that website owners can categorise their site’s content in a more thorough way

Category: Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

The CRM is your business’s memory bank for customer interactions. It stores all the necessary store data–what people buy, how often they visit your site, maybe even their birthdays! Using that info lets you personalise everything, making your customers feel valued.


HubSpot CRM

Only some CRMs have a reputation, such as Hubspot. Hubspot is feature-packed with lead tracking, email marketing tools, live chat, ticketing systems, and even automation abilities. The HubSpot and Wix integration is incredibly smooth with the SyncSmart plugin. It syncs data both ways, so your contact lists, forms, and website activity all get recorded and analysed within your HubSpot dashboard.

Key Features

  • Wix form submissions to HubSpot: Every time a contact submits a form on your Wix website, the integration automatically saves all the details to a timeline event in the corresponding HubSpot contact
  • Easy HubSpot integration: Allows you to connect your Wix site to your HubSpot account in just a matter of seconds
  • Automatic HubSpot tracking code installation: Upon installing the HubSpot by SyncSmart app, the HubSpot tracking code is automatically installed on every page of your website

Set Up a Powerful Wix Ecommerce Store Now

While we’ve suggested some of our top picks for the best Wix eCommerce plugins, don’t hesitate to explore and try others. Here’s how to choose extensions that will elevate your site:

  • Put user experience first. Focus on features that make browsing, searching, and checkout easy and enjoyable for your visitors
  • Start with essentials. Prioritise extensions for core functions like data organisation, site search, and order management. Expand your features from there
  • Seek out scalable extensions. Choose add-ons designed to grow along with your business ambitions

The right Wix extensions can make a world of difference for your website. 

Let us know which extensions you find most valuable!

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